Part of Read by the Sea this summer!

So excited to head up to Pictou, Nova Scotia this June to interview these four fantastic authors on the Read by the Sea – Main Stage! Featured authors for 2025 are Toronto, Ontario poet Myna Wallin; a Canadian nomad now in Halifax Charlene Carr; Liverpool resident Vernon Oickle; and member of Norway House Cree Nation who lives inContinue reading “Part of Read by the Sea this summer!”

A Wonderful Week at Jampolis Cottage

So grateful to the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia for running this residency program for writers, artists and other creators! And thanks to the Jampolis family for donating this property, and the Thomas Raddall family for helping to fund retrofits and ongoing accessibility improvements. My writing pals Allison Lawlor and Allie Fournier (and pup Rosie)Continue reading “A Wonderful Week at Jampolis Cottage”

Interview with Freddie illustrator Audrea Loreen-Wulf

Inuvialuit artist reflects on illustrating Freddie the Flyer book Andrea Loreen-Wulf grew up in Inuvik and was eager to display the Arctic skies by Eric Bowling for NNSL Growing up in the Beaufort Delta, Andrea Loreen-Wulf remembers taking to the air in Fred Carmichael’s plane. No matter what the weather, cargo or how many peopleContinue reading “Interview with Freddie illustrator Audrea Loreen-Wulf”

Happy 1st Birthday, Freddie the Flyer!

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since Freddie the Flyer flew into to world! It’s been such a beautiful journey with Fred, Miki, illustrator Audrea and all the kids and grownups we’ve connected with! Some huge highlights for us: And so many other wonderful connections and conversations, Can’t wait to continue celebrating FredContinue reading “Happy 1st Birthday, Freddie the Flyer!”