Two Upcoming Camsell Hospital Events in Edmonton

  As part of the upcoming Reconciliation Week and in support of ongoing truth and reconciliation work in our city, RISE is please to be hosting two upcoming events related to the history and memory of the Charles Camsell Hospital. Both events are free and everyone is welcome. Donations will be accepted at the doorContinue reading “Two Upcoming Camsell Hospital Events in Edmonton”

Laurentian Air Services Personnel List

When my first book, For the Love of Flying: The Story of Laurentian Air Services, came out in 2009, I created a small do-it-yourself website to host additional ‘living’ information. Recently, I let that domain name lapse, so I am moving the photos and stories and data – like the below – over to this site soContinue reading “Laurentian Air Services Personnel List”

“The Job for Me” for Legion Magazine now up!

“Whiplash is how they described it. In 1980, when captains Nora Bottomley, Deanna (Dee) Brasseur and Leah Mosher walked anywhere in their Canadian air force blue flight suits, heads snapped around. The three women were the first in the country to receive their wings for active duty, and they knew they were under the microscopeContinue reading ““The Job for Me” for Legion Magazine now up!”

A Q&A with Dean Jobb, author of Empire of Deception

Empire of Deception: The Incredible Story of a Master Swindler Who Seduced a City and Captivated the Nation (Algonquin Books / HarperCollins Canada). By Dean Jobb. Now available as Hard cover, paperback, and e-editions.   I love historical true crime and creative nonfiction, so I was excited when I found out about this latest bookContinue reading “A Q&A with Dean Jobb, author of Empire of Deception”

Book Review: Separate Beds

Separate Beds is an excellent academic treatment of the system of Indian Hospitals set up in Canada. Dr. Lux says from the outset that she is focusing on understanding the government bureaucracy through the documentary record, but still balances this well with some oral histories from Indigenous Elders, leaders and former patients of the hospitals.Continue reading “Book Review: Separate Beds”

Houston Talk: “Writing Stories of Humiliation and Hope”

If you live in and around Houston, I invite you to come to this free talk through The Final Twist Writers Society on Saturday, January 7, 2017! “Writing Stories of Humiliation and Hope” January 3, 2017 is Humiliation Day and is observed worldwide on the same day each year. Humiliation Day is thought to beContinue reading “Houston Talk: “Writing Stories of Humiliation and Hope””

Community Blooms through Love Thy Neighbor Initiative

Ligi Varghese and her 3 year-old daughter clutched bunches of roses in front of the Maryam Islamic Center outside Houston, Texas before Friday prayers on December 2. They, along with a dozen or so community members of various faiths and backgrounds passed out more than 400 flowers to worshippers as they arrived at the mosque. TheContinue reading “Community Blooms through Love Thy Neighbor Initiative”

One young reader’s thoughts on In This Together

I read In This Together, and wow. There were stories in there that I connected with emotionally, stories in there where I could relate to what the author was saying, and stories that made me question myself. All the stories made me think. Thank you for this book. I honestly believe that it needs toContinue reading “One young reader’s thoughts on In This Together”