Book review countdown #1: Rebel Women

Over the last couple of years, with a baby and book-in-progress, I found I largely lost the ability to read whole books. Sure, I pillaged for research, I browsed magazines, and I frantically devoured books and blog posts about how to get your baby to sleep/eat/stop crying, but I didn’t just read for pleasure. SoContinue reading “Book review countdown #1: Rebel Women”

Editing new anthology about revelations and reconciliation in Canada

Call for Proposals What was your Aha! or light bulb moment around colonialism in Canada? Is there a particular time in your life that brought native-newcomer relations into sharp focus? Or perhaps a flash of insight into how we can decolonize our country and move forward in a spirit of real reconciliation? Unsettled will explore these questions through magazine-style essaysContinue reading “Editing new anthology about revelations and reconciliation in Canada”

Bird’s Eye View: WWII Historical Novel Giveaway

My new friend and fellow author, Elinor Florence, recently released her debut novel, Bird’s Eye View. She has been doing a blog tour and fittingly – given the subject of the book – it ends today, on Remembrance Day. Bird’s Eye View tells the story of a young woman from the prairies whose home town becomesContinue reading “Bird’s Eye View: WWII Historical Novel Giveaway”