The War to End All Wars: Resources

With the 100th anniversary of the First World War upon us, I’ve had the privilege to research and think about this conflict in more depth than I have since I wandered around Montreal and Ottawa in undergrad snapping photos of war memorials. I was following in the footsteps of historian Jonathan Vance, whose wonderful book,Continue reading “The War to End All Wars: Resources”

Shrink Rays and Airplanes: City Hall School

On Monday I got the chance to hang out with the Grade One’s from John A. McDougall school for an hour. It was so much fun! First we listened to coordinator/instructor Linda Hut take us on a historic walk of downtown Edmonton, with great factoids about everything from City Hall to the Alberta Hotel toContinue reading “Shrink Rays and Airplanes: City Hall School”

2014 Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Dinner in Calgary

As Cmdr Chris Hadfield said in his speech, too often fame and celebrity is bestowed on those who don’t deserve it. Hadfield, that Canadian commander of the International Space Station who stole our hearts with his tweets, spaced-out songs, and gorgeous photos of Earth, was absolutely right when he said this year’s inductees deserved toContinue reading “2014 Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Dinner in Calgary”

Photographic Memory Workshop – spaces still available!

If you live in Edmonton or St. Albert (or environs) and are 50+, you’re invited to my workshop next Friday. It’s being offered through Creative Age Edmonton at the River Ridge Senior’s Community’s Arts Studio (basement), and only costs $2 drop-in fee. All you need to bring are some photos, a pen, and paper. Beverages andContinue reading “Photographic Memory Workshop – spaces still available!”

Greece, Writing, and Inspiration: a Q&A with Suzanne Harris

Suzanne Harris, Edmonton-based writer, editor and writing coach, organizes retreats to Greece through Olivewood & Laurel. Her next one, called “Breathing Space” will be held in September.   Here’s what she told me recently: Do you find it’s mostly men, women, or a mix of people who attend? I think retreats allow us a measure of breathing space, releaseContinue reading “Greece, Writing, and Inspiration: a Q&A with Suzanne Harris”

YEG History: WWI Talk on May 21 – “The Gospel of Sacrifice”

Adriana Davies will be giving a talk, “The Gospel of Sacrifice: The Letters of Lady Principal Nettie Burkholder to her Boys on the Front,” for the Canadian Club of Edmonton on May 21st at 6 pm at a dinner at the Faculty Club. “The talk will draw on the over 300 letters in the UniversityContinue reading “YEG History: WWI Talk on May 21 – “The Gospel of Sacrifice””

Historian Laureate: No Fooling!

I still worry there could be a chance this is an elaborate April Fool’s Day prank, but the City sent out a media release, and they don’t usually kid around on these things. So it looks like it’s official: I get to be Edmonton’s Historian Laureate for the next two years. There really couldn’t beContinue reading “Historian Laureate: No Fooling!”