The Luxury and the Misery

After Doug suffered through two gruelling weeks of being out at various rigs (we figured he slept at home 3 nights out of 14), I whisked him off on a trip to Jackson Hole in northwestern Wyoming and Teton Valley in eastern Idaho. On Friday the 7th we headed up to Pinedale with a friendContinue reading “The Luxury and the Misery”

Oystergrass and Bear River

Nothing says summer like an outdoor music festival, so when I heard there was a FREE one nearby some friends and I piled into a car and headed out for the afternoon. The Oyster Ridge Music Festival (known by those in the know as Oystergrass) is a three-day annual festival in Kemmerer, WY that bringsContinue reading “Oystergrass and Bear River”

Hiking southwestern Wyoming: Scott’s Bottom, buttes, and Wild Hairs in Butts

Since we got back from Colorado, Doug has been extremely busy with work (for those who were wondering, he passed his oral exams with flying colours) and I’ve settled into my new schedule of working on For the Love of Flying things in the morning and doing background research for my novel at the libraryContinue reading “Hiking southwestern Wyoming: Scott’s Bottom, buttes, and Wild Hairs in Butts”

Colorado, When Can I See You Again?

On Monday, July 13th, Doug had to go to Denver for two days of oral exams to move from the training/apprenticeship stage of his job to full-fledged Field Engineer status. The company would have paid for his flights, but we got the go-ahead to drive there instead (only 5 hours) and so set off aroundContinue reading “Colorado, When Can I See You Again?”

Desert Escape

After our aborted Adobe Town camping trip, we had an extra day to fill before Doug went back to work. I had read that there were some pretty interesting sites nearby and suggested we do a picnic dinner and evening hike at the White Mountain Petroglyphs, Boar’s Tusk, and Killpecker Sand Dunes this past Monday.Continue reading “Desert Escape”

Launching Summer

Although I missed my official book launch at the Book & Bean in Green River, WY on June 15th because of car problems, the owner and I decided to schedule a little meet and greet on Saturday, June 20th. I made sucre a la creme (using my aunt Micheline’s recipe) and gave out maple candiesContinue reading “Launching Summer”

Canadian Book Tour: Part 4

Those few hours Doug and I spent stranded along the Trans-Canada seem far away now. Maybe because they are. I have been car-less for exactly nine long days: the tranny blew on Saturday, June 6th and we’re now the 15th, the day that was supposed to be my U.S. Launch Party and all-around fun timeContinue reading “Canadian Book Tour: Part 4”

Canadian Book Tour: Part 3

Friday, June 5th started with a lot of coffee. I took the first shift at 7am and at 11:30am we arrived in Dryden, Ont. There we made a quick stop at The Bookcase to leave behind five signed books which slotted nicely into their great section on bush flying and the north. A couple ofContinue reading “Canadian Book Tour: Part 3”