My Canterbury Tales

The next stop in my UK travels was to see my friend, Monica, in Canterbury, England. So on Sunday, January 25th I boarded a flight from Edinburgh to London Gatwick, took the Gatwick Express train to London Victoria rail/coach terminus and caught a bus heading east. This was definitely the leg of my trip whereContinue reading “My Canterbury Tales”

Away for a wee bit

Sorry for the silence but I’ve been in Scotland the past week and there was the pre-trip insanity before then! I really, really wanted to have the whole draft off to my editor before my departure, but that wasn’t possible once I realized how long it would take to sort through 1200 photos and decideContinue reading “Away for a wee bit”

This Is Wyoming (Part Two)

For those of you who read my original post, This Is Wyoming (TIW), you probably have an inkling of what is to come in part two… Preparing for an overseas journey is always a little stressful. You want to get ahead on your work – clear your desk physically and mentally. Then you need toContinue reading “This Is Wyoming (Part Two)”

Not a resolution

If you’ve looked at the newsstands lately you probably noticed that just about every women’s magazine (and quite a few men’s) feature New Year’s Resolutions. “Half her size!” One of them exclaims. “This is the year you reach your goals!” Another promises. I personally don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. In my experience, guilt-fuelled vowsContinue reading “Not a resolution”

Facing the pet store lady

A lot of you remember my run-in with the “are you an environmentalist?/apocalypse” pet store lady a couple of months back. I saw her again today! I’ve tried to avoid that pet store since the incident. I’m sorry, but nothing scares me more than the religiously insane (no matter how blog-worthy their antics!). This comingContinue reading “Facing the pet store lady”