Forgive me father, for I have sinned, it has been 10 days since my last blog entry… Ah, but I have so much to show for it: Today is my editor’s official ‘draft is due’ deadline for the Laurentian book, and miracle of miracles, I’m just about ready to send off the final chapters! OfContinue reading “Writing Fever”
Author Archives: dmcadmin
The London Leg
I realize I’ve been home for a week and still haven’t written up the final leg of my UK journey. Here goes! The last couple of days I was in the UK I spent with my lovely friend, Emily, in north London. Emily and I met while I was on university exchange in Leeds inContinue reading “The London Leg”
My Canterbury Tales
The next stop in my UK travels was to see my friend, Monica, in Canterbury, England. So on Sunday, January 25th I boarded a flight from Edinburgh to London Gatwick, took the Gatwick Express train to London Victoria rail/coach terminus and caught a bus heading east. This was definitely the leg of my trip whereContinue reading “My Canterbury Tales”
Away for a wee bit
Sorry for the silence but I’ve been in Scotland the past week and there was the pre-trip insanity before then! I really, really wanted to have the whole draft off to my editor before my departure, but that wasn’t possible once I realized how long it would take to sort through 1200 photos and decideContinue reading “Away for a wee bit”
This Is Wyoming (Part Two)
For those of you who read my original post, This Is Wyoming (TIW), you probably have an inkling of what is to come in part two… Preparing for an overseas journey is always a little stressful. You want to get ahead on your work – clear your desk physically and mentally. Then you need toContinue reading “This Is Wyoming (Part Two)”
Not a resolution
If you’ve looked at the newsstands lately you probably noticed that just about every women’s magazine (and quite a few men’s) feature New Year’s Resolutions. “Half her size!” One of them exclaims. “This is the year you reach your goals!” Another promises. I personally don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. In my experience, guilt-fuelled vowsContinue reading “Not a resolution”
Riker and Me
It should be no surprise to you that I – who constantly writes about my pets and the humane society – went to see the film Marley & Me last night. This adaptation of the wildly popular book of the same name (which I haven’t read, btw) was great. I went to see it withContinue reading “Riker and Me”
Classic Doug
For those of you who don’t know my wonderful husband, Doug, he is brilliant. He is also known as the “absent-minded professor” of the family. Today, he had one of his classic Doug moments (btw, he gave me permission to share this story!). Since the beginning of December, Doug has been in Scotland for threeContinue reading “Classic Doug”
Merry Christmas to Me!
As many of you know, Doug is in Scotland this holiday season, my parents are in Canada, and I am here in Wyoming. When people learn that I will be spending Christmas “alone” (I do have the cat, dog, and some friends here!) they get a concerned look on their faces and seem surprised whenContinue reading “Merry Christmas to Me!”
One year later
Last December I woke up one day and realized I was out of shape, out of excuses, and out of patience with myself. So I decided to do something about it. I already knew the basics of being healthy: eat a balanced diet and get off your butt. I still did a ton of research,Continue reading “One year later”