Healthy and Green Halloween

When I was a kid, I was all about big ‘E’ environmentalism: saving the whales and other endangered species; planting a tree on Earth Day; and raising awareness about catastrophes like the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska or Chernobyl. At home, though, I would grumble about turning off lights when I left the roomContinue reading “Healthy and Green Halloween”

The Writing Life in Wyoming

I’ve heard from a few people that it sounds as if my life is full of activities … not to do with my writing. Alas, that is largely true. It was very hard to stay focused last summer when we were bouncing from place to place, not really knowing when our impending move would actuallyContinue reading “The Writing Life in Wyoming”

Wild Wyoming

As I might have mentioned before, Wyoming – compared with most places in the continental U.S. – is quite sparsely populated. There are about 500,000 people spread out over the state, and most of these are clustered in small towns and cities. This means that there are a lot of wild, wide-open spaces. Last Wednesday,Continue reading “Wild Wyoming”

Meanwhile back home in Canada…

There are definitely some interesting political happenings here in the US – what with the presidential race and all that… But in my book nothing beats good ol’ Canadian politico-cultural satire. My dad – ever trawling the Web – forwarded this video to me. If you have ever lived in Quebec or another part ofContinue reading “Meanwhile back home in Canada…”

Feeling High and Dry

High Desert Country. This pretty much sums up the climate and elevation of our new hometown of Green River, Wyoming: the city sits at a lofty 6100 ft (1859 m) above sea level and is a green oasis surrounded by scrubland, sand dunes, and the Red Desert. To put this in perspective, nearby Denver, ColoradoContinue reading “Feeling High and Dry”