Must be a full moon

I know it’s an old superstition, but the little white dog two doors down keeps yapping, I’m having trouble sleeping, and the last few days have just been too weird. First of all, Doug and I keep hurting ourselves. 1) Guinness was lying on one of the stairs a few nights ago and Doug almostContinue reading “Must be a full moon”

Rapid-fire house hunting

Sunday, September 7th: Initial Optimism Doug and I arrived in Rock Springs at approximately 2pm on Sunday, September 7th. Since then, we have spent practically every waking moment trying to find ourselves a place to rent. Before we left Ottawa we were in touch with Doug’s “relocation coordinator” who I assume was supposed to doContinue reading “Rapid-fire house hunting”

Grabbing Hold of Wyoming

We arrived safe and relatively sound in Rock Springs on Sunday afternoon after what seemed like the longest four hours of our lives. In 2005 when we drove cross-country to go to grad school in Vancouver, BC we experienced similar feelings of excitement and trepidation on the last leg of the trip. At least backContinue reading “Grabbing Hold of Wyoming”

26 hours of driving done and 4 to go!

After two semi-grueling days of driving from Lapeer, Michigan through several heartland states, we have arrived in the Cowboy/Equality State (apparently it is known by both these monikers). We are currently in Cheyenne, staying at a hotel surrounded by highways and train tracks. We actually had to run across both an on and off rampContinue reading “26 hours of driving done and 4 to go!”