Ongoing Mysteries

Doug and I are still living day-to-day and week-to-week regarding the move to Wyoming. Everyone I’ve spoken with thinks it’s very strange we don’t know when we’re actually moving or where we’ll be living when we get down there. Me too! I knew there would be a lot of hoops to jump through and headachesContinue reading “Ongoing Mysteries”

10 Photos That Changed Canada

Last Thursday The Beaver, Canada’s National History Magazine, launched its August/September issue at the National Archives in Ottawa, ON. This issue featured “10 Photos That Changed Canada” and I was lucky enough to be invited to the unveiling and to meet with the photographers. The Beaver’s editor, Mark Reid, convened a panel of Canadian photographyContinue reading “10 Photos That Changed Canada”

Vancouver hammer incident another random act of violence

A few hours ago I received a disturbing message from one of my friends in Vancouver. Just after 10:30pm at Majestic, a popular gay nightspot on Davie St., a man came in brandishing a hammer. He injured several unsuspecting staff members and patrons. As my friend said, “there was blood everywhere.” Luckily, my friend wasContinue reading “Vancouver hammer incident another random act of violence”

Going to the dogs

Last week I was staying at my parents’ place and, as usual, I scanned their overflowing bookshelves for something to read. A bright yellow hardcover caught my eye and I soon found myself immersed in a marvelous book: How Dogs Think by Stanley Coren ( Dr. Coren, a professor of psychology at the University ofContinue reading “Going to the dogs”

Not the Busiest Beaver

As of yesterday we are back in Toronto, Onterrible (as my friend, Patricia calls it) for about a week. I had such high hopes for our time in the Ottawa area. Not only was I going to be incredibly productive, but I was going to also take advantage of access to cottages and lakes toContinue reading “Not the Busiest Beaver”