Alis the Aviator now available through Storytime Trail

I’m really excited that One World Schoolhouse Foundation selected Alis the Aviator as one of its STEM titles to feature in its new batch of Storytime Trails. Take your literacy lesson and students for a walk! Our interactive outdoor book walk program features 24 English and 3 French diverse stories by Canadian authors on essential issues. Support your CRRPContinue reading “Alis the Aviator now available through Storytime Trail”

Happy 100th Birthday, Warren Smith!

It was an absolute honour to work with Warren and his family in 2015-16 on what would become The Inventive Life of Warren Smith. We spent many beautiful afternoons pouring over photo albums, and eating the muffins I would bring for us to snack on. We recorded his experiences growing up in Edmonton, his strugglesContinue reading “Happy 100th Birthday, Warren Smith!”

“Surely delight any aviation fan!”

Thank you to the editors of the Midwest Book Review for featuring Alis the Aviator! This very accurate historical approach to learning the ABC’s will surely delight any aviation fan of any age! From Avro Arrow to Zeppelin, Alis leads you not only through the alphabet, but on a fun tour through a virtual aviation museum. NamedContinue reading ““Surely delight any aviation fan!””