Want to join in this four-part Taking Care of Business of Writing webinar series? I’m doing the first one on author/book promotion with Sal Sawler on Oct. 20th. In this dynamic session, you’ll learn tons of strategies for promoting your books while building relationships and having fun. Find out how to get the word outContinue reading “Fall 2022 Events & Updates”
Author Archives: dmcadmin
Alis the Aviator now available through Storytime Trail
I’m really excited that One World Schoolhouse Foundation selected Alis the Aviator as one of its STEM titles to feature in its new batch of Storytime Trails. Take your literacy lesson and students for a walk! Our interactive outdoor book walk program features 24 English and 3 French diverse stories by Canadian authors on essential issues. Support your CRRPContinue reading “Alis the Aviator now available through Storytime Trail”
Happy 100th Birthday, Warren Smith!
It was an absolute honour to work with Warren and his family in 2015-16 on what would become The Inventive Life of Warren Smith. We spent many beautiful afternoons pouring over photo albums, and eating the muffins I would bring for us to snack on. We recorded his experiences growing up in Edmonton, his strugglesContinue reading “Happy 100th Birthday, Warren Smith!”
August story times in Ontario!
A Hard Winter’s Reading
This past winter was hard for so many, my family included. When Omicron hit in December we were already in the midst of a never-ending onslaught of daycare plagues and family injuries. Then we had two unexpected deaths in the family in short order. And then we all got Covid, like most of the peopleContinue reading “A Hard Winter’s Reading”
Teaching kids about writing this summer
Know any young creative writers in Halifax? I get to be an instructor for an inclusive writing day camp in Halifax this summer offered through the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. The Art of Writing (Ages 8-12) July 11 to July 15, 9am – 4pm, at NSCAD Port Campus | Instructors: Chad Lucas, Wade White,Continue reading “Teaching kids about writing this summer”
Freddie the Flyer in 2023!
I am beyond excited to share news about a picture book project that is near and dear to my heart. In 2010, while in Inuvik, Northwest Territories researching Polar Winds, I was introduced to legendary pilot, Fred Carmichael. While Fred is a humble, practical, get-things-done kind of guy who wasn’t too sure about spending aContinue reading “Freddie the Flyer in 2023!”
5th Anniversary of In This Together
It’s so hard to believe that the collection of personal essays I edited back in 2016 turns five this year! As I say in the intro to this video, today I would do things very differently. When I told her I was nervous, my wise co-host of the video launch and virtual anniversary event, JónínaContinue reading “5th Anniversary of In This Together”
“Surely delight any aviation fan!”
Thank you to the editors of the Midwest Book Review for featuring Alis the Aviator! This very accurate historical approach to learning the ABC’s will surely delight any aviation fan of any age! From Avro Arrow to Zeppelin, Alis leads you not only through the alphabet, but on a fun tour through a virtual aviation museum. NamedContinue reading ““Surely delight any aviation fan!””
“You may rejoice, I must mourn.”
There have been calls to wear orange this July 1st, and to hold back on Canada Day festivities. To instead focus on mainstream Canada’s growing awareness of its painful past and the self-denial so many of us have perpetuated. It is a reckoning, a rumbling, a peeling back of layers to address historic inequities atContinue reading ““You may rejoice, I must mourn.””