Celebrate National Aviation Day with me at Woozles!

Please come join me on Saturday, March 2 (please note new date!) from 2pm – 4pm at Woozles Children’s Bookstore (6013 Shirley St, Halifax) to celebrate National Aviation Day. My popular and critically-acclaimed picture books, Freddie the Flyer and Alis the Aviator, feature pioneering Canadian Indigenous aviators and I’d love to share them with you! It willContinue reading “Celebrate National Aviation Day with me at Woozles!”

Happy World Read Aloud Day!

Happy World Read Aloud Day! Speaking of reading aloud, I burst into happy tears when my publisher shared this news yesterday: Two hundred Grade 3 students from across the Winnipeg School Division gathered at the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada to kick off “I Love to Read” month recently. Kimberly Ballantyne, the first IndigenousContinue reading “Happy World Read Aloud Day!”

Miramichi Reader Dreams Along with Freddie!

Thank you to the Miramichi Reader for their lovely review of Freddie the Flyer. It’s so heartening when the reviewer really gets the aim and intent of a book (and its authors) and connects with it! “The North is a place of extremes with its harsh climate and its exquisite beauty, where one calls toContinue reading “Miramichi Reader Dreams Along with Freddie!”