Forgive me father, for I have sinned, it has been 10 days since my last blog entry… Ah, but I have so much to show for it: Today is my editor’s official ‘draft is due’ deadline for the Laurentian book, and miracle of miracles, I’m just about ready to send off the final chapters! OfContinue reading “Writing Fever”
Category Archives: Aviation
Getting out and about in Green River
My friend, Anna, is visiting me here this week. While we’re both working against major deadlines (me = book; her = finishing up papers and reports for her Master’s in Public Health Policy at the University of Alberta), we needed to get out yesterday. So we headed “into town” i.e. we crossed the tracks toContinue reading “Getting out and about in Green River”
Giving Props
In today’s street jargon, “giving someone props” is to give them recognition, often by bumping knuckles. In the aviation history circles I’m running with these days, though, “props” are “propellers” – so it seems kind of fitting to use the term to say thanks to my colleagues’ ongoing support. As many of you know, IContinue reading “Giving Props”
The Writing Life in Wyoming
I’ve heard from a few people that it sounds as if my life is full of activities … not to do with my writing. Alas, that is largely true. It was very hard to stay focused last summer when we were bouncing from place to place, not really knowing when our impending move would actuallyContinue reading “The Writing Life in Wyoming”
Not the Busiest Beaver
As of yesterday we are back in Toronto, Onterrible (as my friend, Patricia calls it) for about a week. I had such high hopes for our time in the Ottawa area. Not only was I going to be incredibly productive, but I was going to also take advantage of access to cottages and lakes toContinue reading “Not the Busiest Beaver”