Shrink Rays and Airplanes: City Hall School

On Monday I got the chance to hang out with the Grade One’s from John A. McDougall school for an hour. It was so much fun! First we listened to coordinator/instructor Linda Hut take us on a historic walk of downtown Edmonton, with great factoids about everything from City Hall to the Alberta Hotel toContinue reading “Shrink Rays and Airplanes: City Hall School”

2014 Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Dinner in Calgary

As Cmdr Chris Hadfield said in his speech, too often fame and celebrity is bestowed on those who don’t deserve it. Hadfield, that Canadian commander of the International Space Station who stole our hearts with his tweets, spaced-out songs, and gorgeous photos of Earth, was absolutely right when he said this year’s inductees deserved toContinue reading “2014 Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Dinner in Calgary”

CBC Interview: Women in Aviation past, present, and future!

I was happy to be asked to join Portia Clark on CBC Edmonton’s Radio Active March 7th to talk about women in aviation. Of course the topic of that recent WestJet napkin about the “lady pilot” came up, as well as why only 5% of pilots in Canada are women. Want to hear the (approximately 7-minute)Continue reading “CBC Interview: Women in Aviation past, present, and future!”

Women of Aviation – Events and Free Flights!

Women of Aviation Week is here again, and here are just a couple of events you can experience around the country: 1. FREE flights for girls at Rockcliffe Airport in Ottawa, ON and other airports in Canada. 2. FREE entry at the Alberta Aviation Museum in Edmonton. I’ll be giving a talk about some pioneering ladies atContinue reading “Women of Aviation – Events and Free Flights!”

YEG Curiosities Bus Tour!

I’m delighted to be “animating” Part II of tomorrow’s Edmonton Curiosities Bus Tour. Operated by the Edmonton Heritage Council, this new series brings folks around some cool sites and makes history come to life. My bus time: Closing the Doors at Blatchford After 85 years as an aviation hub for the Edmonton area, the Blatchford/CityContinue reading “YEG Curiosities Bus Tour!”

2014 Aviation Art Calendars Now Available for Order!

If you’re looking for a great gift idea for the plane nut in your life, consider ordering a 2014 aviation art calendar. Proceeds go to a registered charity, the Canadian Aviation Historical Society, and you’re supporting artists to boot! Features the art of such talented canucks as Virginie Tanguay, Robert Bradford, Jim Bruce, Helene Girard, andContinue reading “2014 Aviation Art Calendars Now Available for Order!”

Northern Lights Awards to Be Held Next Month

The Northern Lights Award Foundation (NLAF) has announced the winners of its 2013 aviation and aerospace awards. The Foundation’s prestigious award program, called the Elsie MacGill Northern Lights Awards, is named after aviation pioneer Elsie MacGill who had a pivotal role in the design and production of the Hawker Hurricane in Canada during the SecondContinue reading “Northern Lights Awards to Be Held Next Month”

CAHS Celebrates 50 Years in Style in September!

As an active director (and past president of the society), I’ll be attending part of this convention in September. Hope to see you there! The Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) returns to Ottawa-Gatineau for its 50th Convention and Annual General Meeting on 11 – 15 September 2013 – the BIG FIVE O! Both the Program and ScheduleContinue reading “CAHS Celebrates 50 Years in Style in September!”