Old YEG Café: Historic Neighbourhoods and the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay

Are you interested in heritage preservation in Edmonton? Are you interested in learning more about the factors involved? The role of the City of Edmonton, developers, and citizens at large? Heritage Forward! is pleased to announce the second in a series of public events designed to raise awareness of built heritage issues in the CityContinue reading “Old YEG Café: Historic Neighbourhoods and the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay”

Old YEG Café: Public Panel Discussion on Built Heritage

  Heritage Forward! is pleased to announce the first in a series of public events designed to raise awareness of built heritage issues in the city of Edmonton. The first event is a panel discussion highlighting misconceptions surrounding the preservation of built heritage, and will create an open discussion about the ongoing threats and factorsContinue reading “Old YEG Café: Public Panel Discussion on Built Heritage”

Save the Date – Free Canada’s History Webinar on May 26th!

  “Where do History and Community Meet?” May 26th at 7 pm EST If you want to get historic in Edmonton, there is no shortage of options. You can join the active online community through Facebook, Twitter, and the Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP) website; jump on a bus or boat for a YEGContinue reading “Save the Date – Free Canada’s History Webinar on May 26th!”

Free holiday download of For the Love of Flying (PDF)!

The holidays are here and I’m feeling extra merry, so I wanted to share a free download of my first book, For the Love of Flying for the next few days! Please click on this link  to be taken to the PDF and feel free to share the URL with your friends and family. (PleaseContinue reading “Free holiday download of For the Love of Flying (PDF)!”

Editing new anthology about revelations and reconciliation in Canada

Call for Proposals What was your Aha! or light bulb moment around colonialism in Canada? Is there a particular time in your life that brought native-newcomer relations into sharp focus? Or perhaps a flash of insight into how we can decolonize our country and move forward in a spirit of real reconciliation? Unsettled will explore these questions through magazine-style essaysContinue reading “Editing new anthology about revelations and reconciliation in Canada”

Bird’s Eye View: WWII Historical Novel Giveaway

My new friend and fellow author, Elinor Florence, recently released her debut novel, Bird’s Eye View. She has been doing a blog tour and fittingly – given the subject of the book – it ends today, on Remembrance Day. Bird’s Eye View tells the story of a young woman from the prairies whose home town becomesContinue reading “Bird’s Eye View: WWII Historical Novel Giveaway”