Book me for Canadian Children’s Book Week!

Canadian Children’s Book Week is open for bookings until February 2, 2024. Cape Breton teachers and librarians, the CCBC will be sending me your way in late April/early May to do author visits. These are subsidized by the CCBC so your costs will be minimal. Folks in other parts of Canada, I *may* be allowedContinue reading “Book me for Canadian Children’s Book Week!”

Freddie’s Fall Flight Recap!

What a trip!!! It took me a couple of weeks to process the epic launch journey for Freddie the Flyer last month. From KidsFest / Afterwords in Halifax through school, library, and bookstore events in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, I’ve been soaring through the fall (with some turbulence, of course!). Freddie on tour! GettingContinue reading “Freddie’s Fall Flight Recap!”

Book Tour Part 1: Toronto, Yellowknife and Whitehorse

September 25: Book party at The Pilot pub from 5-7pm (Toronto)   September 28: Launch event at Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Café  (Yellowknife)     September 30: Signing at Mac’s Fireweed Books  and launch party at Yukon Transportation Museum 6-9pm (Whitehorse)      

#YEG Essay in Avenue Magazine

 Homing in on Edmonton   A Central-Canadian gal learns to love Edmonton I have a confession to make. Back in 2008, when my husband and I had just  finished our degrees and the world economy was in a downward spin, he was offered a job. Good news. Great, even. But — and it’s tough to admit — this central-Canadian girlContinue reading “#YEG Essay in Avenue Magazine”

Travel article about Alaska and Yukon on

I recently found out about a new journalism site,, being set up by Montreal-based reporter and editor Warren Perley. After checking out this new delivery model – readers pay only for the stories they want to read, and there’s no advertising – I was intrigued. Enough so to get in touch and offer to write somethingContinue reading “Travel article about Alaska and Yukon on”