Striking Writer’s Gold in Klondike Country

We may be stuck in a holding pattern when it comes to the move from Wyoming to Edmonton, but at least I know where I’ll be living from October to December of this year: the Yukon! I just got a call from the Writers’ Trust of Canada that I was chosen for the Berton HouseContinue reading “Striking Writer’s Gold in Klondike Country”

Good Ol’ Fashioned Bushwacking

The muscle cramp in my leg has finally gone away and the cut on Doug’s cheek is slowly healing, but the wonderful memories of our 5-days snowshoeing trip will live on… On the last day of the last year we drove 4 hours from Green River, WY to the Jackson Hole area. Of course weContinue reading “Good Ol’ Fashioned Bushwacking”

A Festive Staycation

Doug had another set of days off last week, but after a bunch of long-distance, long-haul travelling and a particularly gruelling “hitch” (days on), we decided to go the “staycation” route and hang out close to home. This turned out to be a good thing since here in Southwestern Wyoming we got hit by aContinue reading “A Festive Staycation”

A Sejour in Sin City

Most of our trips this year have been into the backwoods and we are generally happier in low-density areas, but we decided that one place on our must-see list while we’re in Wyoming had to be Vegas, baby! So I spent hours scouring the web looking for the best deals and Sunday, November 15th weContinue reading “A Sejour in Sin City”

Canyon Camping in Utah

We are in the home stretch of our time here in Wyoming. As we’ve done in other places we’ve lived (Vancouver, Montreal, the U.K) we’ve started making a ‘Gotta Do Before We Leave’ list. Top on Doug’s: a canyon hike in Utah. So last Wednesday morning we jumped in the Element (“Ellie”) and the MiniContinue reading “Canyon Camping in Utah”

Warm Reception in Cowboy Country

Even when you lose someone special, the show, as they say, must go on. A few days after our return from Ottawa, Doug and I were scheduled to fly out to Houston where Doug was to receive a week’s training to become the Rock Springs Schlumberger office’s radiation specialist officer, and where I would giveContinue reading “Warm Reception in Cowboy Country”

Backpacking, Bubba’s BBQ, the Bunnery and one Sassy Moose

After our escape from misery Sunday afternoon, we checked into the Grand Targhee Ski resort, which was the perfect place to hang all our gear to dry, work our boots over with a hair dryer, do some laundry, and catch up on sleep. Never mind that the restaurant was closed Monday-Wednesday, the hot tub wasContinue reading “Backpacking, Bubba’s BBQ, the Bunnery and one Sassy Moose”

The Luxury and the Misery

After Doug suffered through two gruelling weeks of being out at various rigs (we figured he slept at home 3 nights out of 14), I whisked him off on a trip to Jackson Hole in northwestern Wyoming and Teton Valley in eastern Idaho. On Friday the 7th we headed up to Pinedale with a friendContinue reading “The Luxury and the Misery”

Oystergrass and Bear River

Nothing says summer like an outdoor music festival, so when I heard there was a FREE one nearby some friends and I piled into a car and headed out for the afternoon. The Oyster Ridge Music Festival (known by those in the know as Oystergrass) is a three-day annual festival in Kemmerer, WY that bringsContinue reading “Oystergrass and Bear River”