So excited to head up to Pictou, Nova Scotia this June to interview these four fantastic authors on the Read by the Sea – Main Stage! Featured authors for 2025 are Toronto, Ontario poet Myna Wallin; a Canadian nomad now in Halifax Charlene Carr; Liverpool resident Vernon Oickle; and member of Norway House Cree Nation who lives inContinue reading “Part of Read by the Sea this summer!”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
A Wonderful Week at Jampolis Cottage
So grateful to the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia for running this residency program for writers, artists and other creators! And thanks to the Jampolis family for donating this property, and the Thomas Raddall family for helping to fund retrofits and ongoing accessibility improvements. My writing pals Allison Lawlor and Allie Fournier (and pup Rosie)Continue reading “A Wonderful Week at Jampolis Cottage”
Books For All Ages About Women in Aviation!
My 2024 Reads
It’s been another crazy year. That’s one of the reasons I love books so much. Even if you’re sick, sad, or just dog-tired, there is a book for that. Or ten. Some call it bibliotherapy; I call it book medicine. Here are the reads that entertained me, moved me, surprised me, and delighted me theContinue reading “My 2024 Reads”
My Top 2024 Picture Books
I’m sure to read some more in the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to share this in case you’re scrambling for some last-minute gift ideas! Not all of these books were released this year, but they are all wonderful in different ways. There are books for young dancers, artists, gardeners, and picklers. ThereContinue reading “My Top 2024 Picture Books”
Freddie a Perfect Holiday Gift for Young Readers!
And I’m not the only one who thinks so – teacher/librarian Edy Graziani at CHCH Morning Live thinks so too (at the 2:00 mark!).
Give the Gift of Reading!
As you’re starting to think of holiday shopping lists, please consider giving the gift of reading to the people in your life! Looking for? award-winning picture books featuring pioneering Indigenous pilots and leaders (Freddie the Flyer is part of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and shortlisted for the Hackmatack Award!) for 3-8 year olds aContinue reading “Give the Gift of Reading!”
Happy 1st Birthday, Freddie the Flyer!
I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since Freddie the Flyer flew into to world! It’s been such a beautiful journey with Fred, Miki, illustrator Audrea and all the kids and grownups we’ve connected with! Some huge highlights for us: And so many other wonderful connections and conversations, Can’t wait to continue celebrating FredContinue reading “Happy 1st Birthday, Freddie the Flyer!”
Two new books in the works!
Really happy that I get to unleash my history geek to work on these two new nonfiction projects with two wonderful Atlantic Canadian publishers. The first is centered on the SS Atlantic, a steamship that wrecked not far from where I live in Nova Scotia in 1873. This will be a photo rich middle-grade bookContinue reading “Two new books in the works!”
Join me at the Sullenberger Aviation Museum October 5, 2024!
The Sullenberger Aviation Museum and I have a special treat for all of your little aviators! Join us on Saturday, October 5th for a special story time. I’ll be reading excerpts from two of my children’s books – Freddie the Flyer and Alis the Aviator. Copies of both books will be available for purchase in the Gift Shop,Continue reading “Join me at the Sullenberger Aviation Museum October 5, 2024!”