This week my summer column returns to its normal time slot at 4:40pm on Wednesday. I will be speaking to the long Muslim history in Edmonton with help from social entrepreneur and heritage project leader, Omar Yaqub. If you can’t catch the column then, or you’d like to listen to past editions, please click hereContinue reading “This Week’s CBC Column: YEG’s Muslim Community”
Category Archives: Writing & Publishing
Today’s CBC Column: Metis Community in Edmonton
I’ll be doing my CBC Radio Active column, Who We Are, at a special time today because of the holiday yesterday. Please tune in after the 3pm news to hear me try and untangle the complex history and present-day Metis community in Edmonton with the help of former Poet Laureate and metis writer, Anna MarieContinue reading “Today’s CBC Column: Metis Community in Edmonton”
Upcoming CBC Column: Edmonton’s Jewish Heritage and Community
Just got back from interviewing Paul Gifford, the archivist at the Jewish Archives and Historical Society of Edmonton and Northern Alberta (JAHSENA) for the first installment of my summer column. For the next 10 weeks I get to reprise my role as summer columnist for CBC Radio Active as I explore the diversity in ourContinue reading “Upcoming CBC Column: Edmonton’s Jewish Heritage and Community”
Speaking to Edmonton’s Canadian Club this week
On Wednesday I will speak to the local chapter of the Canadian Club, at the beautiful Chateau Lacombe hotel, following in the footsteps of many luminaries and dignitaries! I will trace a “Century of Flying in the Canadian North” through a narrative that explores the hope and heartbreak of aviation North of 60. Looking forward toContinue reading “Speaking to Edmonton’s Canadian Club this week”
Glowing Review of Polar Winds in Arctic!
Was so pleased to read a review of my latest book, Polar Winds, in Arctic, the Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America, by esteemed colleague Shirlee Smith Matheson: “As a reviewer and avid reader and writer of aviation history, I take my hat off to Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail for her work in containing this massiveContinue reading “Glowing Review of Polar Winds in Arctic!”
Some news stories about Camsell project
If you’ve never heard of Indian hospitals, you’re not the only one. This is one particular dark issue in Canada’s past that isn’t often spoken about, even though the story comes right into St. Albert’s backyard. The issue is so little-known, in fact, that Edmonton historian Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail had never heard of them until sheContinue reading “Some news stories about Camsell project”
Edmonton Examiner asks me 20 Questions!
Ghosts of Camsell – Updates & Video Trailer!
The blog series is done for now, but the search for answers will continue for a long time, I’m sure. In the meantime, I have been talking on the radio about the project and my partner on this project, Nicole Beart of Memory Catcher, has completed a video trailer. [youtube] Also, on Tuesday, May 19th from 5-8pmContinue reading “Ghosts of Camsell – Updates & Video Trailer!”
Ghosts of Camsell
One of the most interesting – and heartbreaking – parts of the research for my last book were the X-ray tours, evacuations, and treatments of northern indigenous people in the Charles Camsell Indian Hospital in Edmonton. I could only cover it briefly in the book, but vowed I would spend more time investigating this era,Continue reading “Ghosts of Camsell”