With the 100th anniversary of the First World War upon us, I’ve had the privilege to research and think about this conflict in more depth than I have since I wandered around Montreal and Ottawa in undergrad snapping photos of war memorials. I was following in the footsteps of historian Jonathan Vance, whose wonderful book,Continue reading “The War to End All Wars: Resources”
Category Archives: Writing & Publishing
Photographic Memory Workshop – spaces still available!
If you live in Edmonton or St. Albert (or environs) and are 50+, you’re invited to my workshop next Friday. It’s being offered through Creative Age Edmonton at the River Ridge Senior’s Community’s Arts Studio (basement), and only costs $2 drop-in fee. All you need to bring are some photos, a pen, and paper. Beverages andContinue reading “Photographic Memory Workshop – spaces still available!”
All in the family
Elizabeth Withey at the Edmonton Journal interviewed me recently for a piece on how inspirational my mother (and father) have been for my writing life. Here it is! Get this: my mom beat me to the punch and published her first book! At the age of 64! How cool is this? Proudflesh, a short story collection byContinue reading “All in the family”
Greece, Writing, and Inspiration: a Q&A with Suzanne Harris
Suzanne Harris, Edmonton-based writer, editor and writing coach, organizes retreats to Greece through Olivewood & Laurel. Her next one, called “Breathing Space” will be held in September. Here’s what she told me recently: Do you find it’s mostly men, women, or a mix of people who attend? I think retreats allow us a measure of breathing space, releaseContinue reading “Greece, Writing, and Inspiration: a Q&A with Suzanne Harris”
Getting to Meet the Mayor!
Had a great time at Edmonton City Hall yesterday as part of the City Council’s protocol “items” as the new Historian Laureate. What a treat to see some of my favourite people gathered together and to meet Mayor Don Iveson. As a few people said, it’s a good thing I wore heels so our facesContinue reading “Getting to Meet the Mayor!”
Historian Laureate: No Fooling!
I still worry there could be a chance this is an elaborate April Fool’s Day prank, but the City sent out a media release, and they don’t usually kid around on these things. So it looks like it’s official: I get to be Edmonton’s Historian Laureate for the next two years. There really couldn’t beContinue reading “Historian Laureate: No Fooling!”
Speaking at Writers Conference – from 9 to 99 on Saturday
This Saturday I get to head out to lovely Strathcona County and sit on a panel about writing dialogue with some fabulous writer friends (and soon-to-be friends): Natasha Deen, Margaret MacPherson, Barbie-Jo Smith, and Bill Roberts. I’ve got my thoughtful nodding look prepped and a few talking points that I hope are useful and interesting!Continue reading “Speaking at Writers Conference – from 9 to 99 on Saturday”
CBC Interview: Women in Aviation past, present, and future!
I was happy to be asked to join Portia Clark on CBC Edmonton’s Radio Active March 7th to talk about women in aviation. Of course the topic of that recent WestJet napkin about the “lady pilot” came up, as well as why only 5% of pilots in Canada are women. Want to hear the (approximately 7-minute)Continue reading “CBC Interview: Women in Aviation past, present, and future!”
Women of Aviation – Events and Free Flights!
Women of Aviation Week is here again, and here are just a couple of events you can experience around the country: 1. FREE flights for girls at Rockcliffe Airport in Ottawa, ON and other airports in Canada. 2. FREE entry at the Alberta Aviation Museum in Edmonton. I’ll be giving a talk about some pioneering ladies atContinue reading “Women of Aviation – Events and Free Flights!”
“Evening” from 40 Below Anthology on a bus!
@danicanuck Hey Danielle. I found your poem in the 16 bus heading to Government Centre. pic.twitter.com/tVpAkfN0vJ — Jason Lee Norman (@bellyofawhale) February 13, 2014 And in case you can’t read the poem in the slightly off-centre picture and/or would like to check out the other poems by fellow contributors, click here or visit the EdmontonContinue reading ““Evening” from 40 Below Anthology on a bus!”