YEG Profile: Erinne Sevigny

Since 2010, I have co-organized a monthly mixer group in Edmonton for creative women professionals. I am constantly amazed by their expertise and experience, and thought I would do Q&A’s with them to get their stories – and tips!   Erinne Sevigny is an editor out of Edmonton, AB. This spring she’s embarking on aContinue reading “YEG Profile: Erinne Sevigny”

Alberta Aviation Museum Celebrates Women March 10th

Women and girls get in FREE to the Alberta Aviation Museum on Sunday, March 10th as part of Women in Aviation week. Doors open at 10 a.m. Come  learn a little history and get inspired to become a part of Canada’s aviation future through these speakers and tours! 11 a.m.  Women in Aviation (Polaris chapter) member willContinue reading “Alberta Aviation Museum Celebrates Women March 10th”

CBC Canada Writes CNF Tip!

Last month CBC Canada Writes published a tip by me about writing creative nonfiction! Here it is: When we read personal stories, it’s because we want to inhabit that writer’s life for awhile in all its complexity – all its messy humanity. This includes wrestling with the big ideas and “isms” like racism, sexism, andContinue reading “CBC Canada Writes CNF Tip!”

Glass Door Coffee House – 7pm Feb 28 in YEG

The Mill Woods Artists Collective would like to invite you to our Glass Door Coffee House Series.  The next Glass Door event will be Thursday, February 28, 2013 at the Koffee Cafe located at 6120 – 28 Avenue NW in Mill Woods at 7PM. This month I get to host and, and I’m excited to introduce another fabulousContinue reading “Glass Door Coffee House – 7pm Feb 28 in YEG”

YEG Profile: Chau Lam of Clearpoint Communications

Since 2010, I have co-organized a monthly mixer group in Edmonton for creative women professionals. I am constantly amazed by their expertise and experience, and thought I would do Q&A’s with them to get their stories – and tips!   Chau Lam, BCom Principal/Freelance Editor Clearpoint Communications Chau punctuates sentences, proofreads paragraphs, and plays withContinue reading “YEG Profile: Chau Lam of Clearpoint Communications”

Polar Winds Included in 2013 Edmonton Literary Calendar

  “Edmonton authors churning out the books this year”   I was really excited when Michael Hingston, books editor at the Edmonton Journal, asked to include me on his 2013 Literary Calendar of Edmonton authors. Turns out he’s got a book coming out later this year too – The Dilettantes (Freehand Books) – a comic novel aboutContinue reading “Polar Winds Included in 2013 Edmonton Literary Calendar”

2012 Holiday Newsletter

  The main news this year was the arrival of Andre Barrett Pagnutti on April 17. We named him for my paternal grandfather, André Chenail, and my maternal grandmother, Shirley Barrett, and tried to encompass his French-Canadian, British, and Italian heritage. We’re also embracing his aviation connections as you can see in this photo! FromContinue reading “2012 Holiday Newsletter”

Poems to be Published in 40 Below

Just received some very exciting news! Two of my poems will be published in a collection next year about winter in Edmonton. 40 Below, as the anthology project is called, gathers together poetry, stories and creative nonfiction – and they’re accepting submissions until December 31st (so get submitting)! The Weather Network posted one of the poems onContinue reading “Poems to be Published in 40 Below”

Veterans Voices of Canada Releases Film about North Novies

Veterans Voices of Canada is a non profit organization that documents Veterans and their experiences through video. These interviews are then donated to schools, museums and libraries across Canada. So far, they have documented over 600 Veterans and that number continues to rise as Veterans (or their family members) contact them. The video/docu-story founder Alan CameronContinue reading “Veterans Voices of Canada Releases Film about North Novies”