On a good day the drive between Whitehorse and Dawson is 6 hours. When you hit snow and ice… a little longer (there were a couple of cars still in the ditch from the snowstorm the day before). I strongly recommend stopping at the Braeburn Lodge to fortify yourself with a family-sized cinnamon bun. InContinue reading “First Days in Dawson”
Category Archives: Writing & Publishing
A Literary Weekend
This weekend was Alberta Arts Days, the time of year when the Texas of the north proves to the rest of Canada it is not a cultural sinkhole. That it is more than just tarsand and delicious beef. Actually, I don’t think the province cares what the rest of the country thinks – they doContinue reading “A Literary Weekend”
My Secret Life
I can finally reveal my deep, dark secret life: I was a juror for the Isabel Miller Young Writers Award. Whew! There, now you know. It was very hard for me to keep this secret for so long. Back in May I was approached by the Writers Guild of Alberta and my mission, if IContinue reading “My Secret Life”
Aviation, Writing and the Best Bud Light Ever: Conference Season 2010
While many were working on their yards and tans the past few weeks, I’ve been making the rounds of conferences. Which, in weather-changeable Alberta, is probably a safer bet. The Creative Nonfiction Collective conference back in April started off the 2010 season. Held at the gorgeous Banff Centre, I let myself be inspired by theContinue reading “Aviation, Writing and the Best Bud Light Ever: Conference Season 2010”
Six Degrees of Dawson City
Dawson may be a small town (1,200 permanent residents) and the Yukon Territory may be one of the most sparsely populated places in the world (30,000 people in 2006), but it seems everywhere I go I find connections to the place I will call home from October to December of this year. The first ‘coincidence’Continue reading “Six Degrees of Dawson City”
A blond on the Yellowhead Trail
I’m taking a break from reno work in Edmonton for the next week and focusing on my ‘real’ work: writing, researching, and promoting myself shamelessly. So yesterday morning I packed up the Mini Cooper -still sporting Wyoming plates – and jumped on Highway 16 out of Edmonton headed for British Columbia. A few months agoContinue reading “A blond on the Yellowhead Trail”
It’s Been A Hard Month’s Work
I am sitting here trying to think of how to start this post. Staring at my hands poised above the keyboard I see various shades of paint, the bit of subfloor still lodged under my fingernail, and the cuts and bruises from banging into things like walls and pry bars. These are not the handsContinue reading “It’s Been A Hard Month’s Work”
My film debut
I am sitting in the Ottawa International Airport (YOW – my favourite airport code!) after a whirlwind trip to my hometown, and am now awaiting a flight to my newly adopted hometown of Edmonton. Not much would have lured me away from the chaos of my first house and all the accompanying DIY projects, butContinue reading “My film debut”
A Poem of Parting
Last night I went to my last Rock Springs Poetry Slam hosted by my good friend, Janice Grover-Roosa (yes, another hyphenated last name!) of the local library system. While my first passion is writing books, there is something about the instant gratification of poetry that I love, and that has kept me coming back toContinue reading “A Poem of Parting”
A Northern Valentine
I was delighted when writer and aviation historian John Chalmers (apparently inspired by the spirit of Robert Service, ‘bard of the Yukon’) sent me the following lines last week. He has generously allowed me to share them with you (with some pictures I tracked down online)! Danielle Goes North Strange things are done in theContinue reading “A Northern Valentine”