To balance out the heaviness of the previous post, I’d like to draw inspiration from the American media which basically has the following M.O.: “We will hear more about the tragedy that occurred last night shortly. For now, let’s look at this hilarious footage of a squirrel water-skiing!”
Riker seemed happy enough at the boarding facility I left him at. The vet techs love him and he was, after all, in the ‘luxury suite’ called the Sun Room. As the lady told me, “he’s pretty hyper so we’ll put him in the biggest room.” Apparently he made friends with a young English Mastiff, but the dog’s owner left before I could set up a puppy play-date. Zut alors!
I don’t know what they were feeding Riker at the kennel, but I swear he’s doubled in size in the past week. He now barely fits on his favourite look-out perch, and it is becoming quite hazardous for me to carry a cup of tea up to my desk!