L-R: Lech Lebiedowski, Tim Marriott, me, Tom Long in the fancy Car #3 that was used in the filming of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Do you think Brad Pitt sat in the same seat??Tom Long and “Jay the Fiddler”Lech chats with Robin, the conductorThe train you get to ride into the park!Ida and Joseph, two popular long-time interpreters, raise the flag in honour of the 40th anniversary of the park’s opening!Words of welcome in the courtyard before the muskets started firing!Fantastic 15-minute film in the Capital Theatre. Great chatting with artistic director, Dana Anderson, about upcoming film and theatre events (like Brokeback Mountie!).My souvenir pennant from the day!A gorgeous vintage automobile greeted guests as they lined up to get in to the park!