Travel article about Alaska and Yukon on

I recently found out about a new journalism site,, being set up by Montreal-based reporter and editor Warren Perley. After checking out this new delivery model – readers pay only for the stories they want to read, and there’s no advertising – I was intrigued. Enough so to get in touch and offer to write somethingContinue reading “Travel article about Alaska and Yukon on”

Charlotte Gray Comes to Edmonton!

Me and Charlotte Gray after her talk in Edmonton   I was absolutely thrilled to learn that Charlotte Gray, my CanHist hero, was going to be in Edmonton this week as a guest of LitFest and STARFest. Last Saturday night she spoke at the St. Albert library to a room full of fans – one ofContinue reading “Charlotte Gray Comes to Edmonton!”

Berton House Top Ten

It’s that time of year. The time of year when magazines, tv shows, internet sites, and everyone else make top ten lists. So I will too. About my time up north (although it’s very hard to pick just ten!). Here they are in no particular order: 1. Working, reading, watching tv, chatting, and napping atContinue reading “Berton House Top Ten”

Yukon’s northern charms hard to resist

The Edmonton Journal featured an article about the Yukon in its Saturday travel section and a friend forwarded it to me. Of course I couldn’t resist writing in! My letter was published today (but the photo’s my little blog addition): Edmonton Journal December 7, 2010 Re: “Yukon’s northern charm beckons; Newcomers thrill to area’s richContinue reading “Yukon’s northern charms hard to resist”

Beaming into the Berton House Gala

When technology works it’s a glorious thing. No, the Writers’ Trust of Canada hasn’t managed to snag a Star Trek teleporter, but they did use Skype to successfully beam me all the way from Dawson onto a 15-ft screen at the Berton House Gala in Toronto last night – which, if you’ve had any experienceContinue reading “Beaming into the Berton House Gala”

Dawson Walkabout

I love to walk, and since arriving in late September I’ve tried to get out and explore the town of Dawson (and environs) on foot as much as possible. Heading out my door and across Eighth Ave I can join up with the 9th Avenue Trail behind Robert Service’s cabin, which links up to theContinue reading “Dawson Walkabout”

Doing the Mighty Sourtoe

Dawson may be known for the Klondike gold rush, Jack London, Robert Service, and Pierre Berton. But it has another claim to fame – the Sourtoe Cocktail – and last night I was inducted into the club as member #39600. After dinner at the Drunken Goat we ambled over to the Downtown Hotel, home ofContinue reading “Doing the Mighty Sourtoe”

Battening Down the Hatches at Bombay Peggy’s

When I first came to Dawson in late September and scoured the town for hangouts, Bombay Peggy’s floated to the top of the list. Don’t get me wrong, the Billy Goat, Downtown, Eldo and the Pit are fun, but Peggy and I became fast friends. Maybe it’s the sense of history, or the original artContinue reading “Battening Down the Hatches at Bombay Peggy’s”

Shacking it Up at Berton House

Upon my arrival in Dawson I realized I didn’t actually have the address for Berton House handy. A quick tour of town would surely reveal it, I thought. First stop: front street. Looking out over the Yukon River I thought I spied a cozy cabin. Maybe this was it? But how to get to it….?Continue reading “Shacking it Up at Berton House”