U-hauling It Across Canada

June 7th Andria and I departed Ottawa in a 14-ft Uhaul truck, complete with 6 wheels, Mother’s Attic and lots and lots of stuff. We noticed the licence plate fittingly – since I’m a Canuck and Andria’s from the States – had both Canadian and American flags. We decided this was a something of aContinue reading “U-hauling It Across Canada”

Of Rugby and Riker

This past weekend was a big one for our little family. It marked the opening game of Doug’s rugby season with Edmonton’s Leprechaun-Tigers (yes, that’s really their name, although they usually refer to themselves as the L-Ts. I wonder why?). Go green! Doug played on teams all through high school and undergrad, and his lastContinue reading “Of Rugby and Riker”

Six Degrees of Dawson City

Dawson may be a small town (1,200 permanent residents) and the Yukon Territory may be one of the most sparsely populated places in the world (30,000 people in 2006), but it seems everywhere I go I find connections to the place I will call home from October to December of this year. The first ‘coincidence’Continue reading “Six Degrees of Dawson City”