Sometimes it’s good to write down our goals and share them with others – it encourages accountability! And yes, for those who have asked, I have finished the rough draft for chapter four according to schedule (and I’m on track for getting the draft of chapter five done by end of day today)!
Now, that’s not to say it has necessarily been smooth sailing. Partway into the week I woke up with a splitting headache and feeling under the weather: sitting in front of a computer screen was just not going to happen. So I sat in front of the tv instead, watching a marathon of the 2005 season of America’s Next Top Model. I did get work done, though. I printed off my rough notes and research for chapter four and looked them over during the commercial breaks, and you know what? I came up with some pretty good edits and ideas.
I’m just worried that some of the contestants’ lingo might have seeped into my draft…. like, you know? Totally!